Stanislav Pavlín: At Behind Inventions, We Don't Want to Be Just Passive Co-Pilots in Investments

5 min read
Is Behind Inventions a dream come true for you? Are you doing what you enjoy?

Having a company that truly impacts society is my fulfilled wish. I wouldn't call it a dream, but a fulfilled wish. I am delighted that Behind Inventions was established, and that I and people around me can do what we enjoy and find meaningful. That's why we've also committed to donating at least 5% of our future profits to support solutions to societal problems and charitable projects.

Behind Inventions carefully selects companies for its portfolio based on whether the project is meaningful for the global market and socially beneficial. How hard is it to find a company that meets all these criteria on the Czech market?

Meeting all criteria is indeed a relatively tough combination, but it's not just about ticking all the boxes. One of the crucial things in selection is whether we can genuinely help and advance a particular company. We try to avoid investments where we would just be passive co-passengers. That goes against our belief. The limitation is not only on the companies’ side in terms of criteria but also on our side.

That's why we spend a lot of time in the selection process and want to get to know the people who make up each company. The numbers must add up, of course, but the human dimension, though intangible in a spreadsheet, is so crucial.

How do you view the current Czech startup and business scene? Is it competitive on a global scale?

I feel that there are plenty of ideas and talented people here. Over the last 10 years, a generation of people has grown up who want to try new things, are not so afraid of potential failure, and have a more responsible attitude towards society. My expectations are optimistic.

Let's look a bit at the Behind Inventions portfolio. Keboola is a technological solution specializing in data analysis and integration. How does this tech company align with your philosophy?

Keboola is a company with tremendous potential that we regularly hear about. As mentioned, it's a technological solution that is very innovative and can radically change and simplify many processes for companies. At Behind Inventions, we are convinced that Keboola will positively affect thousands of companies and employees across the global market. And what's more, this company has a distinctly Czech signature.

Another company from your investment portfolio is Ringil, which deals with the digitalization of logistics. On its website, it states that it's bringing the biggest revolution in logistics since the introduction of pallets. What stage is this revolution at right now?

We all know that a revolution in logistics is inevitable, but we don't yet know exactly what form it should take. Right now, it's mainly about finding leaders who will set a new standard, and Ringil certainly belongs among them.

The comparison with pallets is very apt, but it may not be immediately obvious. With the arrival of pallets came one dimension for everything. Every pallet in the world is the same size, every space adapted to it, all sizes standardized, loading of ships, trucks... simply revolutionized.

The need to do things faster, more efficiently, is increasingly urgent today. To give an example of how Ringil is entering the transformation of logistics, let me mention the company Notino. They started collaborating with Ringil last year, and based on the data we have, the time required for managing their ground transportation of products decreased by 83%. And I think that says it all.

One of your main themes is education. You co-owned several educational groups and the largest private university in the Czech Republic. This year you are opening the first Fostra high school. What are your further plans?

That's right. In addition to Behind Inventions, I am intensely involved in education, because all changes start there. The entire educational system has always been set up very rigidly. You choose a field, study it, and then work in it. Today, the world works completely differently. None of us knows what will be in five years, let alone when I think about a longer time horizon. The most valuable skill is the ability to adapt and learn new things. The world has changed a lot, but education has not.

This year we are opening Fostra high school, and it doesn't end there. We plan to open more high schools, plus at least one primary school. None of this would be possible without a great team, and I have to say we have great people. Those who want and can pass something on. That's the foundation for offering high international standards of education to Czech children and students.

What would you imagine a graduate of the high school you're describing to be like?

Imagine a healthily self-confident student who knows what they are good at, what they enjoy, and what they want to achieve in life. In addition to self-discovery, we help them find the path that leads to it.

And what I would also like to mention is the emphasis on balance. Not just our graduates, but each of us should be able to find the right balance between personal life, work or study, and social responsibility.

Therefore, pro-bono projects have their place in the curriculum of our schools. Each class chooses its pro-bono project at the beginning of their studies and then takes care of it. It can be, for example, supporting a specific person with my Heart Foundation, running for Firefly, or various initiatives in homes for the elderly, just to name a few. It's an important part of who we are and what we give back to society. It's my personal setting, and I'd like to pass it on through schools or activities of Behind Inventions.

The interview was published in an abridged version in CEO Magazine, September 2023.

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