Tomáš Rendla: The Cleanest Energy is the One Never Produced

5 min read

In this interview, discover the future envisioned by Tomáš Rendla, Director and Co-owner of Flowbox, and how his hobby of flying relates to his work.

Tomáš, why is the word “flow” so crucial in your company's name?

Primarily, it's of course about the flow of energy, but we borrowed the term FLOW a bit from sports psychology. It's used to describe the state in which an athlete is capable of delivering their best performance. So, if we switch to English, FLOW enables PEAK PERFORMANCE, and that's precisely what we do at Flowbox. We bring technologies in buildings, industry, or cities to a state where they can perform optimally while operating as efficiently as possible from both economic and emission standpoints.

Flowbox’s trajectory is soaring, and this year the team has grown significantly. Can you tell us more about that?

I’m really pleased about it. We are now more than 30 strong. However, the key point is that it’s primarily about top experts from IT, building systems, energy, and other fields. As our product connects a whole range of diverse technologies, our team must be capable of covering a wide spectrum of requirements. And I must say, I'm thrilled by our team's capabilities. We can find a way even where others have no clue where to start.

Pavel Vaněk, Tomáš Macák, Pavel Jiránek a Tomáš Rendla

Where do you see the greatest potential for Flowbox?

What we do brings significant effects to industrial customers, buildings, and cities. In terms of deploying our solution, I see the biggest potential in buildings of all types of usage – from commercial buildings to schools and sports facilities.

Buildings account for over 40% of all energy consumed. From many of our installations, we know that the reduction in energy consumption and emissions can be truly significant. While industrial customers have been trying to optimize energy consumption for some time, buildings have been largely overlooked. Just imagine, if every building worldwide reduced its consumption by, say, 20%, the impact would be immediate. Moreover, deploying solutions like ours is neither lengthy nor costly. The first effects are almost immediate, and the return on investment is usually counted in months.

The energy crisis is a big topic. Did you foresee it? Or how did it happen that Flowbox was ready for demand that was not nearly so significant 10 years ago?

Rather than an energy crisis, we expected significant pressure in sustainability, mainly related to requirements for reducing the carbon footprint and global consumption of all types of energy. I think today it's clear to everyone that if we don't change our habits, we're preparing difficult times for ourselves and future generations.

Yet today, in many cases, we have the opportunity to use technologies that significantly reduce energy consumption and emissions. So, it's just up to us to step out of our comfort zone and do something extra for ourselves and our surroundings. And when you think it through, the cleanest energy is the one never produced. That's what guides us at Flowbox.

In Flowbox, the most advanced technologies intersect with aspects of sustainability and planet-friendliness. Which of these areas is closer to you?

I like both. Modern technologies in all areas I encounter in life, as well as a gentle approach to the planet. In many cases, I was one of the first customers of companies that introduced interesting modern technologies to the market. I'm always fascinated by people's ability to push boundaries, especially when combining various solutions to achieve goals or produce products that others just talk about.

On the other hand, nature itself is something absolutely brilliant and fascinating, which often escapes us in our hectic world. One of my hobbies is gliding, where it's about the pilot's ability to use the energy of the sun and nature without any propulsion source. The fact that just by the movement of air masses caused by sunlight or wind, we can fly hundreds or even thousands of kilometers during one flight is proof to me that we could do many things more efficiently.

Which markets or regions are you focusing on the most at Flowbox right now?

We are still primarily in the Czech Republic, with increasing projects in Europe and gradually "poking our noses" overseas. It's great that virtually the whole planet is addressing the same issue, which plays into our hands. The fact that we're heading in the right direction is confirmed by the composition of our customers and their requirements for our solutions. More and more, it's about large companies with global operations, for which we deploy Flowbox across their network.

How do you evaluate your collaboration with Behind Inventions? Was it a good step for you?

It was definitely a good step, although I think it's yet to be shown that it's the right direction. The experience, knowledge, and contacts that come with BI to Flowbox have immense value, and I believe we will soon be able to utilize them. We have planned an expansion into foreign markets together. At the same time, the collaboration is very enriching for me and my colleagues at Flowbox.

You've proven several times that you're a visionary. Tell us, where do you see Flowbox in 5 years?

We are finding that as a small Czech company, we have a solution that in many respects surpasses those of large suppliers. If we manage to achieve the planned size of our partner network – and I believe we will – it will enable us to grow into a position of a global solution provider for all who care about the planet's future, and for those who see current challenges as opportunities.

The interview was published in an abridged version in Business Leaders magazine, September 2023.

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