Petra Trubačová: A technological boom and a return to humanity await us

5 min read

What did 2023 teach you?

The year 2023 taught me a lot. To not give in to first impressions, to not regret investing $12 on a useless AI generated business photo, to know how to let go of things that have no potential or that in marketing, as in every other industry, what matters most of all is the people you work with. I've found that when you have people behind you who believe in you, that's the biggest motivator. Thanks 2023 for showing me so much, and even though you had your weaker moments, I take away strength from the great ones for what lies ahead in 2024.

What do you think will be the trends in marketing in 2024?

The technological boom and the return to humanity. The year 2024 will be full of contradictions, but it will be absolutely crucial for brands. If they run out of trends, they may already have irretrievably lost their market position and the loyalty of their clients.‍

AI and automation will free our hands to be faster and more creative. On the other hand, customers will expect instant service, customised care. It's not just about personalization anymore, we're talking about instant hyper-personalization. Working with big data is the easiest it's ever been, so brands can totally adapt to each of their customers. Gartner Digital Markets' 2024 Tech Trends Survey reports that 28% of corporate investment will go into marketing automation software in the next year, with more going into IT security alone (32%).‍

Everything will be even faster, mobile-first again, short video content will be dominant and SEO will see big changes. Not only is search gradually shifting to social networks - and brands are most confident in communicating on LinkedIN and Instagram - we are also expecting a new phenomenon, voice search, and a reversal of the logic of building strong keywords.‍

But despite all the changes, we still want to feel that we are human. Brands are expected to be sustainable, ethical and socially responsible. ‍

The year 2024 will ask us a lot of questions. Some of them we must not answer 'no' to, and others we must try not to back down from our 'no'.

And how did AI portray this prediction?
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